约翰·麦卡锡语录 Vol.3

Clinton can say: in my industry 56 of the experienced men are unemployed. – jmc 1993 and earlier


Oh, he’s sincere all right. The question is: what is he sincere about? – jmc after 1986, perhaps about Gorbachev


His ambition is to be the spider in the World Wide Web. – jmc 1994


My hobby of not attending meetings about recycling saves more energy than your hobby of recycling. – jmc 1994


r.a.b. Needs an FFF – frequently flamed flames, each with a sampling of exchanges, culminating in an application of Godwin’s law. [Godwin’s law is that an exchange of flames ends when one poster compares his adversary with Adolf Hitler.]

r.a.b.需要FFF(常被点燃的火焰),每个都有一份对话取样,并以援引戈德温法则而达到高潮。[戈德温法则是说,一旦一名发帖者将他的对手形容为希特勒,这次对话即告结束。]【译注:r.a.b.是rec.arts.books的缩写,麦卡锡在著名网络论坛Usenet的rec.arts.books版面非常活跃(据说本文语录中许多出自该版),还经常出席Palo Alto的r.a.b.读者定期聚餐。】

Never abandon a theory that explains something until you have a theory that explains more. – jmc 1991


The gentlemen of the press smell blood. – jmc 1994


Do you wish to imprison the Native Americans in a re-invented primitive culture? – jmc 1994


Would you vegetarians like a rule that food stamps cannot be used to purchase products containing meat? Would you vegans like to also forbid their use to purchase eggs, fish or milk products? Some years ago some of my fellow conservatives grumbled about the purchase of filet mignon with food stamps, but their motives were economic, and they were easily beaten down with the usual charges of heartlessness. Maybe you vegetarians would have better luck, since your hearts are pure.

I mention this out of my customary helpfulness. – jmc 1994



The difference between a contemporary liberal and a socialist is that to a liberal the most beautiful word in the English language is “forbidden”, whereas to a socialist the most beautiful word is “compulsory”. – jmc 1994


When I hear the word Heidegger I reach for my axe. He may have swiped it. – jmc 1994


Measuring all costs in terms of energy is merely a religious exercise. – jmc 1994 and earlier.


Suicidal terrorists may have short shelf lives. – jmc 1994


Of course, Third World leaders love you. By ascribing third world ills to First World sins, you absolve them of blame for their countries’ failure to advance. – jmc 1995


The slogan was “Don’t trust anyone over thirty.” Sixty years later the slogan became, “Don’t trust anyone over ninety.” – jmc 1995


In human history, the desire for revenge and the desire for loot have often been closely associated. – jmc 1995


Do you wish to do good for the Mexicans (Palestinians) or they merely a stick with which to beat the Americans (Jews)? – jmc 1995


Compassion is contempt with a human face. – jmc 1995, modified from Christopher Lasch

所谓怜悯,是用温情的面孔做出的蔑视。——改自Christopher Lasch

Don’t try to talk anyone out of concentrating his hatred on Ayn Rand or any other dead person. It can’t harm the dead. Diverted to a living person, it might actually do harm. jmc – 1994


In praise of philistines

It is said that man doesn’t live by bread alone. Sometimes this is unfortunate, because people who cannot live by bread alone too often kill other people in consequence of the fights they get into.

The word ‘philistine’ as a pejorative is used in a variety of senses, but a common one refers to a person interested only in money and the goods and amusements money can buy. Usually it doesn’t refer to someone who will do anything for money but rather a person who if he makes a reasonable amount of money will spend his time enjoying it without considering either the arts, the advance of science, or righting the injustices of the world — unless one of the above happens to be his job. It may not be presumed that the Philistine people of the Bible had this property any more than anyone else. Philistines do less harm than most ideologically motivated people. – jmc 1985



People mourn when a person dies, but no-one mourns the billions of intestinal bacteria that his death dooms. Speciesism, I calls it. – jmc 1995


If it doesn’t work right, we can always try something else. – jmc < 1996


Once a person has killed other people on behalf of an ideology, he becomes rather devoted to it. – jmc 1997


Proposals to forbid golf courses have about the same motivations as proposals to forbid skate boarding, although the rationalizations are different. – jmc 1997


Asking a critic to name his favorite book is like asking a butcher to name his favorite pig. – jmc 1997


Language is froth on the surface of thought. – jmc 1997


Slogans rarely convince the unconvinced. However, they do rally the troops already on your side. – jmc 1998


Hardly anyone has noticed that in the Northern Hemisphere people stir their drinks counterclockwise, whereas the same people stir their drinks clockwise when visiting the Southern Hemisphere. – jmc 1998


Honor among thieves is the ancestor of all honor. Likewise, democracy among tyrants is the ancestor of all democracy. Think Magna Carta. – jmc 1998


As we have recently seen, the function of the anti-trust laws is to protect the poor little fellow with a mere $5 billion from being bullied by the big guy with $50 billion. – jmc 2002


If a person can be said to have the wrong attitude, there is no need to pay attention to his arguments. – jmc 2002


Hard distinctions make bad philosophy. – jmc 2002


A declining institution often experiences survival of the unfittest. – jmc 1960s


With no more than six levels of misquotation, any statement can be made to say whatever you wish. – jmc 2002


You don’t want to examine the basis of your computer’s morality any more than you want to see sausage being made. – jmc 2020


When I see a slippery slope, my instinct is to build a terrace. – jmc 2003


You don’t get to do unto others just anything you imagine they might want to do unto you.


You attack the religious reactionaries who oppose teaching evolution. Very good. Will you also attack Greenpeace and other idealizers of nature who oppose genetic engineering? – jmc 2006


He who refuses to do arithmetic is doomed to talk nonsense. – jmc 1970s or 1980s




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